Saturday, February 16, 2013


EXORCISMS……. a practice of routing the demon spirit, a thing which still didn't have any proof of its existence. Whenever someone hear this word, there are certain things which strikes their mind like a crucifier and holy bible for Christians, the holy trident, lord hanuman holy spell book  and tantrika kind of stuffs in Hindus, pir and the holy kuraan in Muslims etc. When I was told by one of my superstitious friend to write something about exorcism, I totally blanked-out and took it as a joke because the only one main reason was that its totally impossible and useless for a person to even talk about a shit like exorcism, who is a hardcore atheist and who don’t believe on things like spirit or a demon like stuffs.
But, after watching some real footage of exorcism and possession of so called demons on victims, reading some real exorcism cases and some psychologists’ articles on it, I got something very puzzled and thought to share my feedbacks about it to others through my blog.
From many centuries the cast of exorcisms which includes the holy spells and its ‘holy weapons’ is running up even now in this very modern century. It was found that, actually the cast of exorcisms reached its heat-up from 13th century, it means that from this century, the cases of exorcisms reached above the level (so what exactly refer me about itself was that the demons became very active in 13th century, but what they were doing before that?! Resting in peace or in pieces!). Some priests says that it’s because this period makes them more powerful due to the human nature of ignoring god and adaptation of demonic activities.
From many centuries, the arguments regarding the non-existence of demons and facts regarding possession is going on between the keepers of righteousness or the exorcists and the people who are against the cast of exorcism (especially the psychologists). But, still nobody is able to give a single strong proof of either existence or non-existence of demons and the cast of possessions and other paranormal activities. A very strong statement by a priest was ‘if you believe in god then you have to believe in demons. If god can take birth on earth then demons can also’. And maximum cases of possessions came from Asia and Europe. So, what it means actually; that Asia and Europe are the places of superstitious people or hardcore god worshippers !?!.
I noticed while analyzing some exorcism cases that every case was actually fluctuating my thoughts and feedbacks on itself because some cases are showing up that the possession is nothing but just a psychological factor, its just under mental disturbance nothing more than that, but other cases were showing up something which was beyond any psychological factor, where just one thing exist i.e., paranormal and supernatural factors. And I came to know that may be some rituals of exorcisms routs demons but sometimes it also kills humans. Exorcism practices are for the demons or against the demons ?. Maybe it’s just us who needs to understand the maturity or maybe its maturity that needs to understand us.
My next blogs will discuss some of the real exorcism cases and the reality behind exorcisms which are facts. The rituals of it are really helpful to rout demons or its not? Actually, do really the demons exist or it’s just a word of shits !?!; Possession of demons on human beings is a matter of fact or a conjecture !?! and of course my fluctuating thoughts about each cases.

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